Thursday, May 28, 2009

Anniversary jams! May 27th, 2009.

The boys stayed home while I had an early appointment in the city today.
Seems as if they did quite well!

Some sock work.

A very serious moment.

A bottle from dad!

Ike wasn't too sure.

But he adjusted quickly.

We met up later at the toy store where Ike was greeted by a friendly giraffe.

Then we headed downtown to pick up something special.

New rings for our anniversary!
And our ring man Sam was nice enough to make one extra, especially for Ike!

Later, Ike played us some anniversary jams on the casio.
It was great!

Swim cap. May 26th, 2009.

We went to swimming lessons today! Everyone has to wear a swim cap. That means Ike too.

Ike doing some couch work this afternoon.

And talking to dad on the phone

Tarts for Daisy. May 25th, 2009.

Today we brought some fruit tarts to Daisy's BBQ.
Ike wanted to try them. It was very hard to say no to him.

Big red maraca. May 24th, 2009.

Dan and Ike went for a walk this morning. Later Mike and Alison came over for tacos and refreshing beverages, but we didn't photograph them.
Ike is still very excited about rolling the ball.

And he sat in the big chair all by himself!

And he did some serious shaking of the big red maraca.

Ike and Naftali's picnic. May 23rd, 2009.

Ike and Naftali threw a picnic in the park today.
It was lots of fun!

Ike and Naftali manning the grill.

Ike, learning about pine trees.

Playing soccer.

Taking a break from hosting duties.

Packing up...

and out!

After all that excitement, an afternoon nap was in order.
But Ike was still in the mood to play.

Later he hung out with Fred Savage, the ugly doll.

And busted a few moves before bed.

Technology: very entertaining. May 22nd, 2009.

I caught Ike dong some computer work today.

He finds technology very entertaining.
Nevermind that we had to restart the laptop before it would work properly again.

And Ike and Puddle did some "bonding" this evening.