Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Camping at home. June 6th, 2008.

Dan with sleeping Ike.

The moon tonight.

We were going to go camping but it got too late, so we camped in the living room.

Ike had fun!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beep beep! June 5th, 2009.

Ike got serious about apricots this morning.

But he was laughing about the ride in the jeep song, beep beep!

Later it was into the bin.

And he used his new wooden spoon for the first time.

Yack'n'nap. June 4th, 2009.

Warning: the following content is gross.
Tweeky yacked in front of Ike this morning.

Ike seemed to think it was pretty offensive.

But before he knew it, he spit up all over the place too!

Needless to say, I had some cleaning up to do.

Happy for a nap this afternoon.

Getting kisses from the sleepy bear.

Ike and dad played some banjo jams tonight.

And he had some frozen banana for dessert.

Banana test. June 3rd, 2009.

Ike did a banana taste test today.

Why moms carry tic tacs. June 2nd, 2009.

We went to swimming today. Ike gets very sleepy after swimming.

And later on, we hung out in the park with dad.
Why moms carry tic tacs.

We made paella for dinner, but Ike had zucchini. Sorry Ike.

Lounging in the rainforest with the rainbow lion before bed.

Koala Ike. June 1st, 2009.

Sleepy koala Ike.

Ridin' high. May 31st, 2009.

Ike likes to ride high.

The island. May 30th, 2009.

Today Ike tried the rice and carrot crackers we made.
Reviews were mixed and colorful.

And Dan had a show on Roosevelt Island, so we all got into the Jeep to check it out.
Ike was looking pretty surly on the way over.
I think because he was wearing sunscreen and maybe was a bit carsick.

Things brightened up significantly once we were out on the lawn.

Conducting water bottle investigations.

A boy's work is never done...
Filling in for the harp player in the band photo.

We even stopped by Mike and Alison's place later to see some saganaki.