Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sweet deal. December 24th, 2009.

Dan arrived late last night, and Ike was very happy to see him
This morning, we packed Ike up in the car...
...and went to see...

Afterwards, he had a special treat to sweeten the deal!
Santa was at the mall, so the grownups did some last minute shopping.
Asleep on Christmas Eve.

Grade school friends. December 23rd, 2009.

Ike and I went to have coffee with my old friends from elementary school, Rachel and Kelsay.
Rachel's baby, Austin, is only 2 months old, and Kelsay just had her second a few weeks ago!

Later, Rachel brought Austin by to see my mom.

Chasing Charlie. December 22nd, 2009.

Ike and Charlie in the yard.

Charlie waiting for his mommy.
Ike, riding the panda Grandma Ann found.
He found a beer bottle in the recycling for himself.
Charlie had obedience class at the pet store, so we tagged along.
Ike walked off to see the fish.
Chasing after Charlie is exhausting!

Shrimp chip. December 21st, 2009.

Ike encounters his first shrimp chip.

He loves playing on the stairs.
Doing some work on Uncle Joe's computer.
Sorry about that, Joe.

Full of blueberries! December 20th, 2009.

We made blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Ike was mostly interested in the blueberries!

Full of blueberries!

Last minute cuddle. December 19th, 2009.

Dan gets in a last minute cuddle with Ike.

...because today Ike and I flew to Seattle!
Dan is joining us in a few days.

Grandpa Tony always has a sweet surprise for Ike.

And Grandma Ann has lots of cool toys for him!

Winter sweaters. December 18th, 2009.

My sleeping babies.

Felix and his parents came for a festive holiday visit!
The boys were both wearing winter white sweaters!
They also shared an interest in the stuffed squirrel in the center of the picture.

Important and mysterious things. December 16th, 2009.

Doing important and mysterious things(involving the force).

Bedhead. December 14th, 2009.

After a trip, Ike is always happy to be in bed at home.