Friday, August 27, 2010

Plum sweet!

Ike tries a super ripe plum from a tree in grandma Ann and grandpa Tony's yard this morning.

Morning workout.

Ike hopped on the treadmill this
morning. But when he noticed he wasn't going anywhere, he decided he was finished with it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ike and Charlie

Ike was going to take a nap with Charlie, but he ended waking him up
Instead. They're quite a pair!


It was raining in the Northwest this afternoon. Big surprise.

But once it stopped there were freshly rain washed blackberries to be had.

Very few berries made it into that colander. Most went straight to lke's stomach!

Outside in the morning. August 26th, 2010

This morning I was greeted with, "Mommy, wake up!"

Ike is pretty excited to be able to walk outside and play first thing in the morning. He was doing a jumping dance with a flower to celebrate before moving on to the basketball.

Real dirt. August 24th, 2010

Ike was enjoying the chance to play in some real dirt today!
And the moon was big and bright tonight, so Ike got to go outside with
grandma Ann in his pj's to check it out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We sang some itsy bitsy spider on the plane. It was a relatively
peaceful plane ride and it's beautiful here in Seattle!

On the way to the airport again!

Ike is still sleepy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Butterfly! August 23rd 2010.

This morning we spent some rainy day time with Eve and Avi.

But by afternoon it had cleared up enough for a butterfly release! Dan was working with butterflies at the studio and had just finished. So we all went to the park to watch them fly free!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rody gets a sock.

After putting socks on to test drive shoes today, Ike wanted to try
putting some on himself. When that got too frustrating he decided to
put them on the bouncy horse.

New shoes and a horsey ride. August 21st, 2010.

Ike has grown out of almost all his shoes! So today we went to the
shoe store. They measured his feet and he's almost a size 8! So we
picked out some new shoes and afterwards he went for a ride on a white

Friday, August 20, 2010

Popcorn for breakfast!

Ike requested popcorn for breakfastthis morning! We popped some up and
had it two ways-- with salt and with milk. Ike liked them both!

The Imagination playground! August 19th 2010.

Today we went to the Imagination Playground at the South Street Seaport. It just opened earlier this summer and they have lots of cool things to do there. We met up with Lydia and Zackary and Susannah and Tony, and the boys had a great time!

Later we walked over to the piers to see the ships and have lunch. After lunch, Tony slept peacefully while Ike and Zackary ran all over the boardwalk!

Rice and a white rabbit! August 18th 2010

I broke down and put rice in Ike's water table this morning. Up until now it's only been filled with paper and coloring books. He was quite pleased and to show me his gratitude he promptly made me soup.

When we checked the mail, we had a special package! Grandma Ann sent us the bouncy horse Aunt Peggy got for Ike in Montana! There were also some special treats. Ike had his first white rabbit candy. He liked it.

Later, it was a little too quiet, and I found him reading in his chair all by himself.

Net head!