Thursday, September 30, 2010

A morning at the garden. September 29th 2010.

Today we went for a stroll at the botanical gardens with Eve and Avi. Always a treat! There's a new herb garden where Ike found some spectacular little peppers.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A rainy day at Avi's. September 27th, 2010.

Today we spent the morning at Avi's house where Ike and Avi happily played in Avi's kitchen, watched a little movie, and decorated some cupcakes. After which they ate cupcakes! A perfect rainy day!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kid corner! September 25th 2010.

There's a new kid corner at the coffee shop. Ike loves it!

And this afternoon, we went to Zackary's birthday party!!

Ike loves Avi. September 24th 2010.

Adding spice. September 24th 2010.

Ike helped me do some cooking. It was his job to add the spice.

Tea for Ike. September 24th, 2010.

Ike has been a little sniffly so I got him some special children's tea for colds. And some alphabet cups to go with it. He knew just what to do!

The zoo. September 23rd 2010.

Today we met Avi and her mom at the zoo. The two of them were so busy checking things out, there wasn't much time for taking pictures! After the zoo we walked to get our favorite hotdog place and Avi.borrowed Ike's hat!

Circles of chalk. September 22nd, 2010.

It was a very stormy night outside. So Ike and I stayed in and did some chalk board drawing. Ike did mostly circles and his first version of mom-- with emphasis on the circle.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The sunniest almost fall day. September 22nd 2010.

We played in the park with Eve and Avi this morning. It couldn't have been a more beautiful end to summer!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chopsticks and pajamas. September 20th 2010

This morning I let Ike watch a little educational programming. He was pretty happy about it. We had noodle soup for lunch and Ike made his first real attempt at eating with chopsticks.
And something special came in the mail today! Digger pajamas from Grandma Ann!

Hi Ugly Monster. September 19th 2010.

Today Ike's newly favored friend, the Ugly Monster named Fred Savage, said hi to me. And in the afternoon we had a lovely visit with Burgess and his parents. We went to the park and Ike ran up and down the field--repeatedly. But all that running caught up with him!

Laid back Saturday. September 18th, 2010.

Ike makes rice. September 18th 2010.

Ike likes to cook. He considers it serious business. Today he helped me make some brown rice with aromatics.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tweaky and the train. September 16th 2010.

This morning Ike played with tweaky and the train!