Sunday, May 29, 2016

Campin out at home!

Movie night! Calvin's just left of frame actually watching the movie. Beautiful flowers for our anniversary. And camping in the back yard last night.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Rowdy boys

We had Everett and Henry over for Sunday dinner. And ike had the great idea to have a picnic down at Oaks bottom later in the week. Of course we had to get them down out of the tree first. Penny waiting for Dan and I while we ran some errands.

Sleepy heads

Friday, May 20, 2016

Cannelés by Calvin

And a ginormous fortress the boys built in the living room.

Calvin in the kitchen

Calvin made muffins at school today and shared with us. He also helped me make a salad out of our csa mizuna, our delicious farmer market carrots and a radish from Eric next door. And one more visit with Mac!

Fun in a box!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Puppy sitting and berry picking

I was watching Penny's friend Mac today. They're just the same age and size.
Sydney and Ike at the farmers market. They earned tokens at the kids table and were pooling their tokens to buy strawberries. Picking the best ones!

1st grade music!

Ike on the right of frame.

Cool treat for some hot dogs

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pie and Pavlova

The boys had a slice of pie after helping me plant some herbs this weekend. Sunday Ike said lets make that as he looked over my shoulder at a Pavlova recipe. So we did.

Penny and her clean tail

Pile ups and piggybacks

Ike sleeping with a little something extra in his armpit. A stroller pileup on Friday. And the boys were very excited to discover they can execute a piggy back ride!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Also last week...

Penny and her ball. Calvin had Leah over before school. And driving to Seattle!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Mom and her new and improved benches thanks to Dan! Calvin fell asleep with his hand in the Doritos bag last night. Vegan waffles for breakfast and the dogs loving Tim.