Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pool time! February 17th, 2009.

Ready for a day in the water!

Ike gets a taste of melon from grandma at breakfast.

But he's still hungry.

To the pool!

Figuring out water is serious business.

Ike in the sweet water ride Grandma Ann brought him.

Getting the real dunk.

Learning to splash.

What happens when you have a waterproof camera.

By the waterfall area.

Dan does his best Nirvana baby impression.

Out of the pool--he looks small.

He seems to have enjoyed his swimming experience.

Back in the room.

The parents go parasailing!

The rope to the boat.

The knot in the rope that's holding us to the boat.

It's beautiful.

Yay! We're back in one piece.

Last few minutes hands free.

A beautiful Cabo sunset.

We had fried cheese for dinner. It was delicious.

Ike likes Dan's 'stache.

We walked home through "luxury avenue."

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