Friday, July 31, 2009

Such a big boy. July 30th, 2009.

Ike is getting to be such a big boy!
He drinks from his sippy cup...

he drops things off the back of the couch...

and he can sit in the tub all by himself...

and he wears space pajamas!

Zackary's house. July 29th, 2009.

Today we went over to Lydia and Zackary's after music class.
They have three little dogs and the boys had a great time!

When we arrived at home, we found a package from Grandma and Grandpa Forbes waiting for us! There were some things we had left behind when we visited, some pictures, and some cool new clothes for Ike!
He's wearing some of the pants here, but they're rolled up because they're still a little big--thank goodness.

And here he's matching his monster onesie!

Ike also said bye today! He said bye-bye to Dad this morning too, but only after the door closed. After that he was looking for people to say bye to all day.
We had some Washington state cherries for dessert and Ike used his teeth to try a bite!

More chalk and infinity. July 28th, 2009.

More chalk!

Ike sees infinity through his teether.

Chalk. July 27th, 2009.

Ike learned about chalk today.

And chased Tweaky.

And had fun getting all wet at the playground!

Airkisses. July 26th, 2009.

We went to a picnic in the park in honor of Ray and Katie's birthdays today.
There was a puppy there...

Ike gave him a kiss on the head before the camera started rolling. We caught him going in for another one. It ended up being an airkiss, though I suspect he was hoping for a little more.

Tech support. July 25th, 2009.

Ike does tech support...

sort of.

Later Dan played a block party show. We watched the action from Sam's roof.
And later from inside.

Monday, July 27, 2009

History! July 24th, 2009.

Today we met Abby and Felix at the American Museum of Natural History!

Ike's not too sure about the primitive peoples diorama.

Contemplating his place in evolution.


An elephant!


Petrified wood, earth, and Ike.

We took a walk by the planetarium.

But Ike was asleep in the pouch by the time we made it to the dinosaurs!

But he was bright eyed when we stopped by the Daddy exhibit on the way home!