Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fruit filled. August 1st, 2009.

Ike had some plum for breakfast today.
It was just the beginning of a very fruit filled day.

We went for a little drive...

to a farm!

We picked blueberries.

Ike tastes his first blueberry.

He liked it!

We took a little break from picking for some shade.

Ike liked the berries so much he thought he'd help himself to the whole bucket!

He got the idea of picking really quickly, but he seemed to think green berries would taste good too.

The farm also had peaches, so we walked up the hill to check out the orchard.

The peaches had suffered a little damage from a recent storm, but they were still deliciously summery. It was a fun farm visit!

Ike's first peach!

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